Near the end of March the part of the Leadership Team met in Seattle at the Society for Applied Anthropologists. Wolf Gumerman and his team presented on the museum exhibit produced by the Footprints of the Ancestors Project. With him were E.J. Satala and Ruby. These three, Judie Piner and Jessica Lum further discussed plans for the future Intergenerational Digital Storytelling project.
A good time was had by all. The SfAA conference was preceded by a Traditional Foods Summit, where Northwest tribes presented their challanges and success in maintaining and reviving collection and preparation of Traditional Foods. E.J. and Ruby attended various sessions and met with anthropologists working in various disciplines. There were two sessions on Digital Storytelling that provided much food for thought, as well as good examples of others' work.
An excellant example of youth telling an elders story is this one, a graduate student discussing medical anthropology in the context of her grandmother's alzheimers. See "A Medical Gaze" at this blog:
Home again, home again. And back to work.